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van der Meer, Sico, Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'
van Mook, Walther, Maastricht University Medical Centre+ ; Maastricht University
Vandepeer, Charles B., Charles Sturt University
Verdon, John, Office of the Chief Scientist, DRDC Corporate
Verdon, John, Office of the Chief Scientist, DRDC Corporate, Canadian Forces
Verweij, Desiree, Faculty of Military Sciences / Netherlands Defence Academy, Centre for International Conflict Analysis and Management I Radboud University Nijmegen
Vieira, Aimee, Norwich University (Retired)
Virtue, Nicolas, University of Western Ontario
von Hoesslin, Karsten, University of Calgary
Vreÿ, Francois
Vu, Tuan, University of Manitoba
Vullierme, Magali, University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin

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