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Roy, Richard
Royds, Mollie, University of Calgary
Rudd, David, Defence Research and Development Canada
Rutherdale, Dr. Rob
Ryan, Alex, MaRS Solutions Lab
Rynning, Sten, University of Southern Denmark


Sakwa, Richard , University of Kent
Salavrakos, Ioannis
Salavrakos, Ioannis Dionysios, Visiting Professor
Salavrakos , Ioannis-Dionysios
Salt, Alexander
Salt, Alexander, Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies
Sampson, James B.
Samuels, Martin
Savard, Jean-François, École nationale d'administration publique
Savard, Jean-François, École nationale d'administration publiquey
Sawyer, Ralph
Sawyer, Ralph D.
Sawyer, Ralph D., Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary (Canada)
Scharine, Angélique, Human Research and Engineering Directorate, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Schlaffer, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Josef Rudolf, Military History Research Office, Bundeswehr
Schmoll, Dr. Melanie, University of Hamburg
Schmoll, Dr. Melanie Carina, University of Hamburg, Germany
Schmoll, Melanie Carina
Schmoll, Melanie Carina, University of Calgary
Schmoll, Melanie Carina, University of Hamburg
Scoppio, Grazia, Royal Military College of Canada
Scott, David, Independent scholar
Setzekorn, Eric, Historian with the U.S. Army Center of Military History (CMH) and an adjunct professor at The George Washington University
Shannon, Mark, Calgary Catholic School Board

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