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Panayiotides, Nicos, American College
Paparone, Christopher, US Department of the Army
Park, Evan, University of Victoria
Pascas, Brian, independent researcher
Pavelich, Nick, ,Ryerson University/University of Calgar
Peña, Charles V., CATO Institute
Peric, Sabrina, University of Calgary department of Anthropology and Archaeology
Perras, Galen, Department of History, University of Ottawa
Perry, David, President – Canadian Global Affairs Institute
Peters, Mark , Technica Corporation
Peters II, USAF, Retired, Dr. Mark T.
Pettit, Steve L., US Strategic Command
Plamondon, Aaron, University of Calgary
Plamondon, Aaron, Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary (Canada)
Plowright, Will, University of British Columbia
Pöhlmann, Markus
Pomeroy, Steven Anthony, United States Air Force Academy
Popescu, Vasile, National Defence University Bucharest
Porter, Tony, Political Science, McMaster University
Powell, Lieutenant-Colonel Dean A., US Army
Poyer, Lin, University of Wyoming
Pratt, David
Prebagaran, J., Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Prentice, Barry, University of Manitoba
Preston, Matt, University of Calgary
Prieur, Alex, University of Calgary
Prud'homme, Denis, University of Moncton


Ragland, James
Ramsey, Paul, Department of History at the University of Calgary
Randall, Stephen, University of Calgary

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