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Fennell, Jonathan, King's College London
Fergusson, James, Centre for Defence and Security Studies
Ferris, John
Ferris, John, University of Calgary
Ferris, John, Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary (Canada)
Ferris, John, Department of History, University of Calgary
Ferris, John, University of Calgary
Ferris, John R.
Findlay, M. P., Royal Military College of Canada
Finlan, Alastair, Swedish Defence University
Fisher, Stefanie, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University
Fitzgerald, Erin Kelly, University of Toronto
Fitzsimmons, Scott, Department of Political Science, University of Calgary
Fitzsimmons, Scott, njmackie@ucalgary.ca
Flavelle, Ryan, University of Calgary
Foulkes, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., Lt.-Gen. Charles
Franke, Dr. Volker, Kennesaw State University
Fraser, Kyle, Defence Scientist, Director General Military Personnel Research and Analysis
Fried, Yoram, Independent scholar
Frisk, Robert, Division of Philosophy, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; Department of Military Studies, Swedish Defence University (SEDU), Stockholm, Sweden
Fyffe, Greg, University of Ottawa


Gagnon, Benôit, Université du Québec à Montréal
Gagnon, Brigadier General (Ret'd) Robin
Garneau, Ariel, Royal Military College
Garon, Richard, PhD Candidate, Laval University
Garrett-Rempel, Danny, University of Calgary
Garrett-Rempel, Danny, University of Calgary (Canada)
Gauthier, MSC, CD, Colonel Alain, J3 CEFCOM, Canadian Forces
Gaycken, Sandro, Institute of Philosophy, University of Stuttgart
Geluk’ashvili, Irakli A., University of Quebec à Montreal

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