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McCreanor, Kyle , University of Calgary
McDonough, David S., Department of Political Science (Balsillie School of International Affairs) at the University of Waterloo
McEwen, Dr. Andrew
McGaha, Richard, University of Calgary
McGowan, Katharine, Bissett School of Business at Mount Royal University, Calgary
McGregor, Major Andrew, Royal Military College of Canada
McKay, Major J.R., Department of National Defence
Medeiros, Sabrina, Lusófona University
Meissner, Berkhard, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg
Meissner, Burkhard, Helmut-Schmidt University
Mellon, James
Mellon, James G., Dalhousie University
Melson, Charles D., U.S. Marine Corps
Mendenhall, Elizabeth Ann, University of Rhode Island
Mendes, Cintiene
Meunier, Nicolas, Royal Roads University
Mikhailitchenko, Maria, Department of Political Science, Queen's University
Mills, Walker D.
Minkov, Dr. Anton, Defence Research & Development Canada
Mirtaheri, S. Amir, School of International and Public Affairs, Florida International University
Mitchell, Paul, Canadian Forces College
Mitchell, Paul T., Paul T. Mitchell is the Director of Academics at Canadian Forces College. He is a graduate of Wilfred Laurier University, King’s College London, and Queens University. He has taught at Royal Military College, Dalhousie University, and Nanyang Technological University. He has taught professional military education at the Lester Pearson Canadian International Peacekeeping Centre, Singapore Command and Staff College, as well as at CFC.
Mitton, John, Dalhousie University
Mizin, Victor, IMEMO Institute, Moscow
Moffat, Lieutenant Commander Ian C.D., Department of National Defence
Mohamad, Nizar, University of Waterloo
Mora, Colonel (ret'd) Jesús Alberto Ruiz, Superior School of War of Colombia
Mortensen, Bent Ole Gram, University of Southern Denmark
Moxley-Paquette, William, University of Calgary
Mullis, Tony R., US Army Command and General Staff College

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