Journal of Military and Strategic Studies
Dr. James Fergusson is currently a Senior Research Fellow with the Centre for Defence and Security at the University of Manitoba. Among his publications are with Andre Charron, NORAD: In Perpetuity and Beyond. McGill Queen’s University Press; Andrea Charron and James Fergusson. “North America’s Imperative: Strengthening Deterrence by Denial” Strategic Studies Quarterly; A relic of the Past: Why the demise of the Cold War’s INF Treaty will not alter the
strategic military balance. Ottawa: Macdonald Laurier Institute and Canada and Ballistic Missile Defence 1954-2010 (University of British Columbia Press. In addition to his academic publications, Dr Fergusson has been commissioned to write several reports for the Department of National Defence and the Department of Foreign Affairs, and has testified on several occasions to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, the Standing Committee on National Defence, and the Senate Standing Committee on National Security. He is a former member of the Defence Science Advisory Board, and a former Honorary Colonel of the Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Studies (now Barker College) and the 2 Canadian Air Division.