THIRD PRIZE THIRD PRIZE The Origins of the Second US Civil War


  • Mark Southern Royal Military College.


The paper, “The Origins of the Second U.S. Civil War”, provides a hypothetical assessment of what might follow a disputed 2024 American election, and outlines three factors that would facilitate a fall into civil violence in such a scenario.  Donald Trump has expediated a deterioration of the American political environment, and has targeted a specific subset of American citizenry.  This subset has a rich militaristic tradition, and this paper argues that they might be instrumental in the devolution of future US politics.  The power of the American military establishment has greatly increased post-WWII, and this paper also argues that the increased institutional pull held by the armed forces might similarly contribute to the outbreak of civil violence.

Author Biography

Mark Southern, Royal Military College.

“Mark Southern is an RCMP officer with twenty years’ experience investigating transnational and organized crime.  He is pursuing a Master’s Degree in War Studies from the Royal Military College.”







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