Application of the targeting process in simulations of the anti-surface operation conducted by Mil Mi-24 helicopter
Targeting is the process of selecting and prioritizing targets that are consistent with mission objectives, operational requirements, and the capability to obtain information about the adversary through Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (JIPOE) and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) activities. This process is systematic, complex, and continuous, combining the capabilities and capacities of fires and the process of identifying critical and vulnerable elements of the adversary to achieve the commander’s desired end state. The case study simulated an attack by a Blue brigade task force on a Red battalion tactical group. The objective was to determine the time consequences of achieving objectives while utilizing ground force capabilities with and without helicopter air support and to compare the impact of helicopter flight versus helicopter squadron air support. The results of the simulations show that a brigade-level task force attack should be supported by air power of at least a flight of aircraft in order to spare the lives of friendly troops and accelerate the destruction of enemy troops, and therefore to accelerate the advance.