Nowhere May They Roam: Ottoman Area-Denial Operations and Lessons for the Strait of Hormuz


  • Tim Choi Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary

Author Biography

Tim Choi, Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary

An avid enthusiast of all things naval, Tim never really grew out of his childhood fascination with technology and weapons of war. This has only been exacerbated by his perceived need to continue the age-old hobby of building ship models, defying the 21st century trend of video games as a pastime (not that you won't find him playing a few rounds of Naval War: Arctic Circle on his laptop, of course). Like the stereotypical Asian, he can be found with a cup of bubble tea while working on his thesis on the future of naval warfare, occasionally breaking to look at funny cat pictures. The picture to the right shows him scouting out Armenian guard tower positions from a concealed location in the oldest mosque in Anatolia, at the ancient Armenian capital of Ani. This was part of his four-month exchange to Turkey during the last year of his undergrad at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, B.C., from which he received his Bachelor of Arts with a major in International Studies: Conflict & Security and an extended minor in History.






Military Strategy in War and Peace