Facing the Future: Canada’s Environmental Security Challenges in the 21st Century


  • Isaac Caverhill-Godkewitsch University of Calgary


Canada and the world face significant environmental changes in the 21st Century. This article identifies two of the most significant areas of change (the Arctic and Global Environmental Changes) in an Environmental Security (ES) lens. The method of the “Four Schools” of ES are described and applied to the two areas of concern. The findings from this paper conclude key areas for Canadian debate as well as implications for the wider application of ES studies.

Author Biography

Isaac Caverhill-Godkewitsch, University of Calgary

Isaac Caverhill-Godkewitsch is currently an undergraduate in Political Science (Honours) at the University of Calgary and enrolled in the Arts and Science Honours Academy (ASHA). In the Fall of 2011, he will be beginning his Master’s in Global Governance at the University of Waterloo.




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