NATO's Litmus Test: Prioritizing Afghanistan


  • Joshua Walker


As the first out-of-Europe deployment operation for NATO in its 60 year history Afghanistan has become NATO’s most important mission. Not only is success in Afghanistan crucial for any future hopes of a globally engaged and active NATO, but for the very existence and credibility of NATO. In other words, Afghanistan has become NATO’s litmus test in a post-9/11 environment. As a historic first for NATO, Europe and America have far more at stake in Afghanistan than their own national interests. While the upcoming NATO summit in Riga will certainly offer a chance for the heads of states gathered to rhetorically affirm the Alliance, events in the mountains and villages of Afghanistan are ultimately where NATO’s future will be affirmed.

Author Biography

Joshua Walker

Joshua W. Walker is currently a graduate student at Yale University’s International Relations program where he is focusing on International Security with a concentration in Middle Eastern.





