Losing the So-Called Paradigm War: Does our Confusion, Disarray, and Retreat Contribute to the Advance?


  • James Colin Field University of Calgary




Qualitative research, hermeneutics, phenomenology mixed methods, bricoleur, multiple realties, truth


In this article, I argue that what is commonly lamented as the decline of qualitative research might be because of our own inability to reveal something true about being-in-the-world. Four problems with qualitative work are identified: making what is obvious inescapable, confusion around what constitutes qualitative research and phenomenology, uniformed and disrespectful mixing of methods, and devolution into “little t” truth. I finish by calling for bold, evocative interpretation, and posing the question: What is the nature of the revolution that hermeneutics can foment? 

Author Biography

James Colin Field, University of Calgary

Werklund School of Education

Associate Professor


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